The Hope Valley Experimental School was founded in 1972 as a primary school and was built on the grounds adjacent to the Sir John Golding Rehabilitation Centre. The school catered to children who lived in the surrounding area. Approximately 1,000 disabled and able-bodied children between the ages of 5 and 12 regularly attend the school. It is one of the few learning environments in Jamaica were able-bodied and disabled children are successfully integrated in the classrooms.

The Rotary Club of Kingston’s Immediate Past President (IPP) Gregory Reid and Mrs. Reid saw the urgent need for improving the changing room facilities for the children. IPP Gregory Reid explained that in keeping with the 2016/2017 Rotary District Theme “Rotary Serving Humanity”, the Major Project for that year focused on persons with disabilities. One of the aims of the project was to provide infrastructural improvements at the Hope Valley Experimental School. The Wellness Centre was constructed in response to a request from the school and was named after the late devoted head mistress, Sharon Williams, who spent many years teaching and nurturing her wards. It provides a special needs area directly connected to the Nurses Station and Sick Bay.

At the Official Opening Ceremony of the Sharon Williams Wellness Centre which took place at the Hope Valley Experimental School, August Town on Wednesday March 28, 2018, Mr. Anthony Grant, current Headmaster, explained with great emotion that the children with disabilities, would no longer have to push their wheelchairs uphill in the ‘sun-hot’ or rain to the Sir John Golding home, to change after school events or physical education classes and games. An hour’s journey was now a two (2) minute one to the Wellness Centre.
Once again, the members of the Rotary Club of Kingston made a difference in the lives of those who needed it most. May the Sharon Williams Wellness Centre serve the children well.