A person with physical disabilities faces many challenges on a day-to-day basis and in Jamaica, the lack of wheelchairs remains one of the major contributing factors to mobility difficulties.
The Rotary Club of Kingston took the initiative to provide amenities and services to some of those with disabilities.
A person with physical disabilities faces many challenges on a day-to-day basis and in Jamaica, the lack of wheelchairs remains one of the major contributing factors to mobility difficulties.
The Rotary Club of Kingston took the initiative to provide amenities and services to some of those with disabilities. On August 17, 2017 members of the RCOK provided one wheelchair to the Jamaica Constabulary Force, the Community Safety and Security Branch. It was a great opportunity to collaborate with the police force, to help improve mobility of policemen injured in the line of duty.

Rotarian Director Sarah Newland Martin
presents a wheelchair to Superintendent Velma Thomas-Gayle and Sgt. Johnathan Prince,
Community Safety and Security Branch of the Jamaica Constabulary Force
The Rotary Club of Kingston saw the needs at the Kingston Public Hospital and embarked on a programme to source wheelchairs for the institution during the 2017-18 Rotary year. Through the dedicated commitment of Director Sarah Newland- Martin and her hardworking team, a total of seven (7) wheelchairs were presented to the Hospital.

Directors Sarah & Heron led the handover of 3 wheelchairs to the
Chief Medical Officer of the Kingston Public Hospital, Dr.Hugh Wong, while Asst. DG Judy Hylton looks on

In accepting the donations at separate events, Dr. Wong and Dr. Whylie respectively expressed their gratitude to the RCOK and emphasised that there was a need for more wheelchairs throughout the hospital. They also said that an ongoing program was required to repair and maintain the existing wheelchairs at the hospital.
Being mobile enhances a person’s ability to learn, interact with others, earn a living and participate in the community. The members of the Rotary Club of Kingston get great satisfaction from providing increased comfort, mobility, independence and freedom to persons in need. Owning a wheelchair is not a luxury, but a means to boost the self-confidence, self-esteem, pride and independence of the impaired persons.