Rotarian Sarah recieved Living Legacy Award
Posted by Lillymae Walder
THE CARIBBEAN Community of Retired Persons Limited (CCRP) on Wednesday
honored 62 Jamaicans who created a legacy for the nation.
Fifty persons were to be awarded to commemorate Jamaica's golden
anniversary, however, the organizers felt that was insufficient compared to
the number of 'living legends' who have contributed to the society.
The CCRP Living Legacy awardees included 'legends' from every walk of
< gleaner/20120210/news/news6. html> life whose
work has had a positive impact on Jamaica's development. In fact, the CCRP
founder Jean Lowrie-Chin described their contributions as "treasures to be
recognized and cherished as an inheritance for generations".
"The Jamaica 50 Living Legacy Awards is truly an endorsement of our mission
at the Caribbean Community of Retired Persons - to
< gleaner/20120210/news/news6. html> work towards
ensuring that the vast talent, experience and wisdom of our seniors will be
respected and that they enjoy the quality of life they so richly deserve,"
said Lowrie-Chin.
honored 62 Jamaicans who created a legacy for the nation.
Fifty persons were to be awarded to commemorate Jamaica's golden
anniversary, however, the organizers felt that was insufficient compared to
the number of 'living legends' who have contributed to the society.
The CCRP Living Legacy awardees included 'legends' from every walk of
work has had a positive impact on Jamaica's development. In fact, the CCRP
founder Jean Lowrie-Chin described their contributions as "treasures to be
recognized and cherished as an inheritance for generations".
"The Jamaica 50 Living Legacy Awards is truly an endorsement of our mission
at the Caribbean Community of Retired Persons - to
ensuring that the vast talent, experience and wisdom of our seniors will be
respected and that they enjoy the quality of life they so richly deserve,"
said Lowrie-Chin.