
The next stop was a Valentine lunch-date at which the twenty-four residents of “Fr. Grenier’s Heart” were treated to a delicious fare - rice and peas, stewed chicken in garlic sauce, steamed vegetables, strawberry/apple-filled danish and cran-wata – great fellowship and well-received gifts of stress ballsPresident of the Rotary Club of Kingston, Allison Peart stated that “All members in our club - the Rotary Club of Kingston – are committed to the Rotary mantra of “Service above Self” and to help to ensure that infants and the elderly in our society are fed at least one nutritious meal every day.  Each RCOK member supported this initiative by contributing funds to cover the expenses and participating in the planning and organization of the event.  Additionally, several RCOK members turned out to help feed the children and elderly, assisting the elderly to move about and to provide fellowship with the children and the elderly at one or both events this Friday, Valentine’s Day.”

 The project known as “Rotary Has Heart” - #RotaryHasHeart – set Valentine’s Day, February 14, 2014, as one single day on which Rotary Clubs from Delaware to Trinidad engage in a hunger project to change lives in their communities, especially those of children.   The Family of Rotary continually works in a multitude of ways to successfully combat hunger across neighbourhoods.