RCOK Love and Respect our Senior Citizens: “Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners.” (Laurence Sterne)
A signature Rotary Club of Kingston’s annual event, the Senior Citizens' Christmas Treat, took place on Saturday, December 2, 2017, at the Douglas Orane Auditorium, on the grounds of the Wolmer's Boys' High School.
The event emphasized that our Senior Citizens need to be honored and respected for all that they have done for us and for society and for their impact as role models.

The Rotary Club of Kingston chose to honor them through this event, where we hosted approximately seven hundred senior citizens, from a wide cross-section of the Kingston Metropolitan Area, including: Golden Age Homes/Retirement Centres, Government Poor Relief Institutions, Saint Patricks Foundation, Saint Margaret's Human Resource Centre, Christ The Redeemer Human Resource Centre, Saint Patrick's Roman Catholic Church, Saint Monica's Home for the Elderly, Riverton City Human Resource Centre, Pretoria Road United Church, K.S.A.M.C. Poor Relief Department, and Denham Town Golden Age Home. We thank every institution named above, for going hand in hand with The Rotary Club of Kingston to ensure the event was a success.
A special thank you to our partners and sponsors, including Restaurants of Jamaica (KFC), Chicken Mistress Limited (Island Grill), WISYNCO Group, CornerTop Bottling Limited (Bullhead Water), and Caribbean Cream (Kremi Ice Cream). We are truly appreciative of their collaboration. Strong support also come from Rotarians, some of them going beyond the call of duty to help meet the budget for this event or in organizing and coordinating the transportation of the senior citizens.
The agenda included a tribute to our late Past President Deepak Vaswani. A commemorative plaque was awarded to his family in recognition of his lifelong service to the Rotary movement and dedication to this special event, which he helped to conceptualize. Bethel Steel Band provided entertainment, and this prompted dancing and singalongs from the Seniors.

The Rotaract Club of Kingston and Interactors from various High Schools, including Holy Childhood High and the Wolmer's Group were in attendance. Their dedication and execution of assigned tasks helped in making the event a gratifying experience and we extend thank you.
In spreading the Christmas cheer, gift bags were given to all Senior Citizens in attendance.
“Respect for ourselves guides our morals; respect for others guides our manners.” (Laurence Sterne)